I don't know if it's because Franco holiday'd here but it's beautiful

This is the Basque country. They were forced to put up the spanish flag on their city hall - they put it in the corner (that's a little funny)

I also got to try the Basque version of caracoles - CACAQUELAS! There are from the sea instead and people eat them like sunflower seeds. They're so good.

Pacharán is a popular basque sloe berrie liqueur - AND this is the coolest Pacharán!

This is Xtabe & Chusman with Georgi from Bulgaria - we found him & we kept him all night! He was a really smart & even more handsome version of JAck BLack.

How cool is it that the concert is RIGHT on the beach?!

GREAT WEEKEND!! Y también he hablado más español que mi todo tiempo aquí. Pero no se si lo ayudame (jajaja).
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