Thursday, November 25, 2010

Feria flea market (20 days)

Every thursday, on my way to school, I walk through a gigantic flea market that takes place in the street off of my street - Calle Feria. I'm always wishing I could wander it and buy stuff, so today I ditched school and that's what I did. I bought a fútbol for 2 Euros, a visor that has the EXPO '92 logo on it for .50, and a fan for both Dylan & Charlie. There are tons of gypsies, drunks and artists - it was super fun (and a little scary.) AND - can you see in the photo that the Christmas decorations have gone up in the streets?! They don't go on at night yet but I'll bet you December will turn them on. Also, I still danced two hours today, just not at the fundación.



  1. Cool! I love flea markets, you're so lucky. Were you a good negotiator?

  2. And Happy thanksgiving! Did you make a special dinner?
