Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hay caracoles!

There is a popular letra in flamenco that sings about caracoles (SNAILS!) The lines I love to sing along to is "HAY CARACOLES!" - which is basically saying "We have snails!" And now, walking around the city, every restaurant is announcing they have snails. So the words were taken directly from real life - I love that.

I suppose this one would sing "NO HAY CARACOLES!"

I see people eating them all the time with their beers like peanuts. So I woke up yesterday and decided, for my adventure of the day, that I would try the caracoles. I thought I didn't like them because of a bad experience with them in Greece 10 years ago - BUT I WAS WRONG! They're delicious!

But still really gross looking.

Here's me singing, "Hay caracoles!" with the caracoles.

Here's Einat scared shitless to try her 1st one.

I finally made friends with the snails...although I
think I'll still fear stepping on them barefoot.

Here is a video of the our first encounter with the snails.

And here is a proper demonstration of eating them.
WARNING: It's very graphic (Josh can't watch it!)

The End - our empty little shells.

Then we went for ice-cream and sat by the 1,000 year old trees.

I love when art is made directly out of the simplest of life's pleasures, and this song is a perfect example of that. The song I will write will sing,



  1. Dylan can't stop talking about you eating the snails, She makes a throw up noise every time she talks about it. Her teacher is from Spain, and she said she's going to tell her that you did that! hehehehe

  2. Me encantan los caracoles. Cuando regreses a California, ¡vamos a buscar un restaurante que los sirva!

  3. I've heard caracoles are great right before a healthy make-out session. You should surprise Josh!
